There's a good reason the Basics of Pistol is our most popular class. It's designed to introduce proper handgun training to both new gun owners, as well as owners who have owned their guns for years.
For the beginner, (even if you've never shot a handgun before), we'll tame any intimidation you may experience, and we'll calm any fears you may have, and we'll teach you the essential basics out of the gate. In the process, you'll gain peace of mind and invaluable confidence in your skill set.
Our clients tell us it's a refreshing alterntive to what typically happens. Often times, a well meaning family member or friend will offer to teach a beginner how to shoot a gun. Unfortunately, that tends to lead to a bad first introduction. So during Fish House TSI's Basics of Pistol class, it becomes evident how much information and instruction is missing. It's during this class that a gun owner typically experiences competing emotions:
Elation that they are being trained and supported by military-grade experts, and...
Furstration that they started off on the wrong foot in the beginning, and now have to correct bad habits.
If you've owned a gun for years, but have yet to take the time to invest in your training, you are going to love this.
Individuals who have owned a gun for many years, and then made the investment in Fish House TSI's Basics of Pistol Class, enthustically confess to being surprised and delighted with the quality of the military-grade instruction.
It's one thing to be self-taught. It's an entirely different thing to be taken through a class with military trained instructors. So, if you are ready to discover what it's like to have world-class training, look no further than Fish House Tactical Shooting Institute.
The goal of this course isn't to train gun owners in combat or for competition. The goal of this class is to provide you with the information and skill needed to operate a weapon safely and effectively in a very supportive, and encouraging enviroment. Our class instills confidence, compatency, and courage in the individual gun owner.
If you want to take the Basics of Pistol class, but don't currently own a gun, that's no problem. Owning a firearm for our training is not necessary, as we can make arrangements to provide a firearm at little or no cost. There is a small fee for ammunition provided that corresponds with the firearm. Minimum 50 rounds needed.
Basic handgun and Safety Training
(The NRA Basic Pistol Shooting)
Range time: Under normal weather conditions; Live fire is conducted the same day.